Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Wow! Tall order there! In Titus 2:
5 I read, "train the young women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled, pure, working at home, kind and submissive to their own husbands that the word of God may not be reviled." If I could have understood what a blessing this one verse is early on in our marriage, I may have saved us years of agony! What it doesn't say is, "Teach the young women how to win every argument with their husbands and children, be controlled by their emotions, entertain any thoughts they want, use any language they choose, be kind when it suits their needs and submit ONLY when there is something to be gained by it." But it seems that is how I lived for many years, completely missing the joy of being a wife.
I have learned in the last decade or so of my life that I can rest in the Word of God. He loved the world so very much that HE gave us HIS only Son so we may have ever lasting life. Why would a God who loves us that much, make us slaves to a system of marriage and home life that doesn't work.
Resting, refreshing, retreating, reviving...these are the words I use now as I am soaking up HIS word and HIS commandments. His ways are wonderful ways that make life easier and bring deep joy.
I have the distinct privilege of making this home a retreat for the 12 people who live here and for anyone who enters our door. Also, for a short time, I have the precious job of spending gobs of time with our children in a relationship that will generate memories in their minds for all their years. I can bring smiles or tears with just a word. It's a powerful position we moms hold in their lives.
As I submit to Greg I can see him standing a bit taller. He gains a measure of assurance in his position as our leader. As I submit, I train the children to submit to their leaders, bosses, teachers and anyone in authority over them. Submission to Greg doesn't mean I am a lower class of person, it simply means that I understand God's order in our home and I am willing to take my place where HE wants me to be. I am undoubtedly blessed beyond measure by Greg when I submit to him, because as the head of our household he gains confidence and treasures caring for me. It has taken me YEARS to see that this really works ladies! We were meant to submit as a form of love and respect to our mates and they LOVE it! And we benefit from it!
As I love and treasure our children, I show the world that I value life. I value their lives, their hearts, their future, their needs and wants. I am an example to the world of someone very counter-cultural in this time we live: a woman who actually LOVES kids!!! Lots of kids!!!
What a wonderful joy I have in my heart as my husband walks in and holds me in his arms after a long day. Then we gather everyone at the long dining room table for a meal I've prepared. We eat together, share stories, Greg shares some scripture and usually we dive into our book we are reading. With just a bit of planning early in my day, I can make all this happen and bring a blessing to my family and to myself. I want them to take these memories with them wherever they go and to know that loving and training family was one of my favorite jobs.
What is the legacy we are passing on? Do I have time for a kiss on the lips from my 6 year old when I'm busy working? Is there enough room in my day to sit with a sullen 11 year old who needs to share an important story with me? Is setting up the trampoline in the rain out of my job description (we actually did this last week)? Can I laugh when I am overcome with things to do?
This is a season, another season of life. There was the Air Force Season with deployments and military commitments. There was the baby season full of new babies, little giggles, toddling sweethearts, diapers and sleepless nights. Now we are in this season of training heavily, quality checks on chores, coaching the older ones, preparing them to go into this world ready for the challenges. The girls need to know how to submit to their husbands and run their home in joy with love and confidence. The boys need to know how to provide for a home and family and lead them all in righteousness.
And my part is day by day, step by step, building, adding, correcting. Loving, being self-controlled, being pure, being home, being kind and submitting to my man. And if I am faithful I shall reap a harvest that is beyond my wildest imaginings.
Continually look for the ways God is working in the lives of your children and comment on that. Last week we had the privilege of commending an older son on how he handled someone flirting with him. He handled it in a Godly way and we told him we were so full of joy as we watched him walk through that uncomfortable situation. This takes time to do, but builds confidence in our children and proves to them that the word of God is TRUE and works righteousness in their lives and will lead them to being a wise man and not a fool.
Pray for their spouses now. Pray for someone who has remained pure, innocent, righteous. Pray for someone who loves the Word of God and knows him personally. Pray for a person with a strong character who can handle adversity. And add more, pray the scriptures over that person who will one day walk into your home and amaze you!
What an amazing job I have as a believing wife and mom. What a blessing it is to know that God has plunked me down right here, in this home, at this time, with these people to be the hub of our family.
Father, thank you for your unfailing word. Help me to always cling to your truth. As the Psalmist in 119 says repeately, "give me understanding, clinging to your testimonies, lead me, I will meditate on your precepts, I will delight in your statutes, open my eyes...." It's a continuous process, Lord, plant in me a desire to always begin my day at your feet, resting quietly, soaking up your precious words. And Father, thank you that you are a good Father that we can confidently turn our children over to every day. They were yours before they were ever ours. Amen!