Monday, August 30, 2010

A Gap and A Great Blessing!

Should I try to fill in the gaps in the last 9 months? So much has happened in that time. The Bade Family has had our up days and our very down days. There are times as a parent that I think "I can't do this and I don't want to any more!" Is that something I should not share with others? I can tell you that God is faithful to me in those very bleak moments. I get up every day and keep moving ahead, "Pressing on toward that goal of the upward call of Christ." There is work to do here. All I am called to do is the NEXT THING. And I work diligently to do that NEXT THING well.
This school year had its moments! We had frustrations with our two homeschooled middle school boys. Our Sarah finished her junior year in high school and was baptized for her 18th birthday. The other six children finished their school year strong and ready for Summer. We had a daughter get engaged and we've watched them work through some very tough issues. But let me tell you what is happening today!
And in exactly 13 days our oldest daughter, Hannah and her beloved, Erik will be married! They are young, strong and full of dreams! She looks like a princess in her beautiful gown. They are decorating their home together. He leads her, prays with her, helps her make decisions. They can sit for hours chatting and enjoying each other. Oh Lord! What a blessing this is for us, her parents!
"Let marriage be held in honor among all." Both Hannah and Erik have had very high standards for their purity in this "waiting" time. The boundary lines were drawn early on in each of their lives as single people. Each was raised knowing that they would wait for the one God would choose for them. They have never dated another, only each other. What a wonderful gift to bring into a marriage relationship. No baggage, no comparing, just a fresh start together in the Lord.
Tonight I am calm. I am excited to see all those coming in from out of town. We are anticipating some very late nights and many, many happy memories made. And most of all we long to see these two beloved children of God share their precious vows together at 2 p.m. on September 11th at Faith Bible Church. On that day, they will walk into the building as they always have, as two separate people. BUT, when they walk away from the church that day, as God looks upon them, he will no longer see two people. He will see one flesh. In God's perfect math equation in marriage 1 + 1 = 1.
All I can say to that is "Praise the Lord" and "Pass the tissues!!"

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